Kazinga Channel View Resort offers you the atmost environment for your accommodation with delight. We are located in Queen Elizabeth National Park at Katunguru, along the Kazinga Channel, 1km inside off Kasese-Mbarara main road. We offer quality services and make your comfort our priority during your stay. All rooms meet international accommodation standards and offer an experience that will make you stay longer.
The Lodge: Getting there the lodge is 45 minutes from Kampala by private plane, landing either at Kasese or Mweya airfield. Alternatively it is about 6 hours’ drive from Kampala, via Mbarara or Fort Portal – Kasese.
To build a binding and continuous relationship with clients seeking Hotel services and provide them with continuous variety of in house crafted and locally made affordable Lodges, Local & continental Dishes delivery by order.
To be a leading Leisure and Hospitality spot that helps Tourists and Local Clients realize value for money by providing the best holiday packages ever.